Everything ready for summit with Korean leader says Trump
News & Trends • 7 years ago
source63 u.s. president donald trump says on thursday that everything was ready to go for the next week summit with the korean leader kim jong-un1 trump made the remarks when he welcomed japanese prime minister shinzo abe at the white house for preparatory talks before the summit1 the summit is all ready to go trump told reporters. its all going along very fine. i hope it continues on this track1 trump and abe were to hold a joint press conference at the white house at about 200 pm local time before heading to canada for what promises to be a tense group of seven g7 summit clouded by the us leaders controversial trade tariffs1 but before tackling the thorny trade issue trump expressed unbridled optimism about his june 12 summit with kim in singapore1 his enthusiasm to hold the meeting with kim has reportedly prompted concerns in tokyo that a hasty deal between the us and north korea would leave japan exposed to a perceived north korean missile threat1 japan has been anxiously watching ever since a thaw began first between pyongyang and seoul and then between north korea and the us1 japan also reportedly fears that trump could eventually agree to reduce us military forces in south korea leaving japan which has been highly dependent on us military protection since tokyos defeat in world war ii to fend for itself1